Stories that engage…

I’ve had a passion for telling stories since I started recording my own radio commercials for my friends in 4th grade.

Since then, I’ve created video scripts, website copy, marketing emails, short and long-form articles, and more, all with a focus on telling stories that help my clients provide value and drive brand recognition.

I’ve written for clients in healthcare, wellness, technology, business, finance, education, and entertainment.

Check out a few of my past projects:

Content Writing/Editing

I helped establish a content strategy for this startup building a brand in the workplace mental health space. I interviewed experts, researched key topics for the brand’s target audience, and wrote search-optimized long-form articles, downloadable content, and social media posts.

Sample Articles:

Wellness Guides

For this wellness app, I created guides for the practice of slow-paced breathing. The goal was to explain the basics of breathing mechanics in a simple, accessible way so users could develop their own internal awareness of optimal breathing patterns.

Brand Character/Video Commercial

I wrote and produced this commercial for a client’s flagship food product. The video established a recognizable brand character for the client and helped the business to quickly expand into additional product categories.

Medical Explainer Video

This medical clinic needed the details of a popular procedure explained in a way that potential patients could easily understand. I wrote the script for this video describing Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy.

B2B SaaS Product Marketing

I wrote marketing content following brand identity guidelines for a series of products offered by Plaza Premium Group, an airport hospitality company.

B2B SaaS Product Video Script

This B2B SaaS startup needed a script for a marketing video for their customer queue management software product. The video helped increase the page ranking of the company’s website and boost lead generation.

Behavioral Health Video Series

I co-wrote and produced a series of educational videos for elementary school children with ASD and ADHD and their families. The project was funded by by grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Institute of Education Sciences (IES), and the U.S. Department of Education.

Mental Health Education Video

I co-wrote and produced this video about healing from emotional pain for a digital health startup in the mental health services space. The client wanted to highlight a method of body awareness and mindfulness in the processing of emotional pain.

Customer Lead Email Sequence

I wrote this lead nurturing email sequence for a wellness startup. The client wanted an easy-to-read template with a conversational style. I helped the client identify value offers and a clear call to action for each email.

Financial Services Blog Article

I wrote this article for a financial planning firm that needed a series of simple, accessible articles on the basic concepts of financial planning. Each article was designed to answer common questions and highlight keywords the client had targeted in their SEO strategy.

Short Animated Film

I wrote and directed this short film inspired by and starring my 6-year-old daughter. The film was included in several independent film festivals, earning an audience award at Hawaii’s Big Island Film Festival.